Japan SEO and online marketing services - Perspectiva Business

Small business tips and tricks for little enterprises with big ambition

Nice to meet you, too (and a bit of bad news)

26 May 2014, Monday

Hello, we’re Perspectiva Business, and we’re pleased to meet you too. We hope you didn’t have too much trouble finding us.

We hope you’ll enjoy your visit to our humble abode. Make yourself at home. Coffee or tea?

Are you sitting comfortably? Then let’s begin.

Now, tell us all about your dreams.

Perhaps you’ve been sourcing for vintage clothes at the local thrift stores every weekend and have always dreamt of curating your own vintage label and selling your products online.

Or maybe so many Japanese tourists have visited your cosmetics shop and asked if they could buy your products online, but you don’t speak any Japanese and, let's face it, your website needs work. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could break into the Japanese market, though?

Perhaps you’ve worked long and hard on your little enterprise but just can’t find enough clients. Everyone says the world is your oyster if you know how to get high rankings on Google or use social media, but nobody seems to be liking your page on FaceBook and anyway you don’t know much about all this tech stuff.

Guess what?

You're not going to want to hear this, but we've got to break it to you.

We hope you're not going to get too upset.


Nearly everything you want for your business, and for your life, is within reach.

Unfortunately, this means it’s time to stop making excuses.

You say you have no time to design a new logo for your business. What about that hour you spend in front of the TV every night watching mind-numbing reality shows?

No cash to get your developer to fix all the bugs on your website? Maybe it’s time to ease up on those thrice-weekly happy hours.

Been thinking of finding out how to make your website appear on Google search? Then pick up the phone and call an SEO consultant (like us!) instead of surfing the Internet aimlessly for another hour and then checking FaceBook for the 93rd time that day.

You might not be able to achieve every single thing you want in this lifetime. God forbid, at some point, you might (just maybe) have to choose between inventing a time machine and making your business awesome.

But you can definitely do more than what you’re doing now.

So get cracking.

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